Thursday, October 4, 2007

Fire in Paint.NET

This is how to create fire with Paint.Net

First open a new document and create a new gradient like this

Then add a new layer and set it's blending mode to overlay(double click on layer for layer properties). Then add the effect "clouds" to this new layer. Repeat the process(Ctrl+f) until you think it has a good shape.

Now flatten the image. Then under the adjustments window select "curves". This is a bit tricky, select RGB in the drop-down-menu. After that tick off only the blue box at the bottom and move it to the right. Then the green and move it between the red and blue. They should look like this.

Anyway once that's done you've got one good looking flame effect.


I will constantly be updating this page with links to my newest tutorials. I hope you find them useful.

Basics Part 1
More to come....


Anything that I come across and think you should know about.
How to:
Create a flame effect

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


This is more of a post than a tutorial. I just found out aboout paint.NET a paint program, and think it's great. It has tons of support and easy to use interface, plus tons of downloadable add-ons. It's quick and fun to use.
Advantages: Good for Second Life Textures, good support and add-ons, it's an alternitive to photoshop.
Disadvantages: Only for windows :(
Here is a screen shot of the interface.

Just usualy not so squished.
My rating is 9.0 out of 10.0
You can get it here. Scroll down to bottom of the page.

Monday, October 1, 2007


Well I would just like to say hello and I'm moving my blog from another site
so this should be fun. This will be about anything that I'm interested in at the moment i write this. I will have some tutorials which you can get from the tutorials page.