Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Video tutorials

I luckily just came across a decent screen capturing program, that was free! It is called wink, and is great for whenever I want to take a capture of my screen, or a video. This program works great for what I use it for. I would provide an example video but, I can't. The computer it is on is down, and I did not want to download it again.

From the same company also comes WAX 2.0, which is also free. It is one of the best free video editing program that I have ever seen. I had it for a while, which I liked, though I never used it. People have created tons and tons (and tons) of video tutorials for this program. The majority being the videos with little faces on their thumbs. So go check those out if they interest you. I'll even take the time to type it in for you. Here you go. Have fun! :)

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